The 5 Things You Need To Start Doing Now To Make Your Friendships Last Longer

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There are some people in your life that make you laugh a little louder, smile a little brighter and live a little better, they are FRIENDS. They say true friendship multiplies the good in life and divides its evils. But not everyone is blessed to have BFFs (best friend forever). Some just go through hard times in their lives where even they think they are around good people and are making good friends, they are actually not. Becoming friends with someone is very easy but fulfilling that friendship for long might become tough for the obvious reasons. You might not be able to give enough time to each other because of reasons like work, family, girlfriends, boyfriends etc. You might not be able to meet daily, probably stuck with work or you have shifted to another city. But do friendships really require these things? Can you guys not stay being friends forever without actually talking to each other daily? We say, of course you can. How? By doing little efforts. Good and true friends are like stars, you don’t see them all the time, but you know they are there. Today, we have listed out some things you must start doing NOW to make your friendships last longer and stronger.

  • Support them: You are your friends are of same age and they too are probably going through similar life situations like you. All you need to do is support them in all the important and crucial decisions they are taking right now. This would mean the world to them, trust us.

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  • Don’t judge them: There would be many times when you are your friend won’t conclude on one same decision. You two are two different personalities and it’s obvious to have different perspectives of the same topic. Just appreciate the unique and don’t judge for any reason or decision taken by your friend.

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  • Take some time out for them: Alright, we know that you are too busy in your lives, with work, giving time to families etc, but friends are important too. Friends are the family we chose. Even if it’s once or twice a month, do it. Do it for your friends, do it for your friendship, and moreover do it for yourself.

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  • Don’t let misunderstandings build up: We know it’s hard to be together all the time and gel up, but at least you can talk. Once in a day, for 5 minutes, talking about what’s happening in their life. Not only will this help you two stay together and updated on each other, but will avoid any sort of misunderstandings in between. Just communicate and don’t believe on stuff others would say unless you confirm it from your friend.

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  • Be there for them: The best thing you could do to your friends is being with them in happiness and in sorrows. There are times that family support isn’t everything that one needs, friends are important too. Just accept the fact that friendship changes as we grow up but friends can stay the same if you strive for it. Don’t leave your friends just because one thing went wrong.

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Friendships are the greatest pleasures of life and to cherish it forever, you need to do such efforts. Keep your friends closer because after 20 years from now, when you’ll look back you certainly would not want to regret.



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