According to Uttar Pradesh police, a 22-year-old Delhi woman whose body was discovered inside a suitcase near the Yamuna Expressway in Uttar Pradesh’s Mathura last week was murdered by her father.
According to the Superintendent of Police in Mathura, Aayushi Chaudhary’s parents have been arrested for her murder.
Nitesh Yadav allegedly killed his daughter after becoming enraged that she had “gone out for some days” without informing him. He was also enraged that she had married a man from a different caste and that she frequently stayed out late, according to sources.
Aayushi Chaudhary was a Bachelor of Computer Application student in Delhi.
After the suitcase was recovered, the police began tracing phones, reviewing CCTV footage, using social media, and posting posters throughout Delhi.
After the suitcase was recovered, the police began tracing phones, reviewing CCTV footage, using social media, and putting up posters in Delhi to identify the woman.
However, concrete information about her was obtained from an unknown call on Sunday morning, and her mother and brother later identified her through photographs.
The father, who lives in Badarpur, south Delhi, was detained after police questioned him while he was on his way to identify the body.
According to the police, Aayushi married a man from another caste named Chhatrapal without informing her family.
Her parents were furious at what they saw as her defiance and “stubborn” attitude.
Nitesh Yadav allegedly packed Aayushi’s body in a suitcase and dumped it in Mathura after shooting her with his licenced gun.
Last Friday, Aayushi’s body was discovered wrapped in plastic in a large red suitcase near the Yamuna Expressway in Mathura.
According to the police, there was blood on the face and head, as well as injury marks all over the body.
The suitcase was discovered by workers, who called the police.
The family is from Baluni in Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, and moved to the national capital after Nitesh Yadav found work there.