The Terrorist Balakot camp across the border on Pakistan that was destroyed by the Indian Air Force during the surgical strike in the beginning of 2019 has been reactivated by Pakistan recently, Army Chief of India, Bipin Singh Rawat, told a press conference in Chennai on Monday. He also shared that around 500 persons were looking to enter the Indian territory but were dealt by the Indian Army on the border.
Gen. Rawat was present in Chennai for inauguration of the Young Leaders Training Wing at the OTA.
When asked about the kind of response to be expected from India in this matter, Gen. Rawat said: “Why must we expect a repeat of a similar thing? Earlier we did something, then we did Balakot, why not keep the other side guessing as to what we will do? Why tell them what we are going to do. Why not keep them guessing? Why say repeat? Why not something beyond that?”
When asked about the number of intruders he said: “These numbers keep fluctuating. But, I would say, yes, there are at least 500 people who are waiting to infiltrate. That is the minimum number I would say. But, these numbers keep fluctuating because, depending on how the weather pattern is, they keep moving.”
He explained the pattern of intruder’s movement. He said as the snowfall is increasing and ice melting, the shift had taken place in the northern part of Jammu and Kashmir towards Gurez and those areas are getting activated with each passing day. He added that as tempearature in this region is decreasing they look to move to the areas of less snowfall. “As of now, we have taken adequate measures, we have pushed in more troops, we have increased deployment along the LoC to ensure that infiltration is curbed to the maximum extent,” he said.