Facebook widen up it’s free internet services to all over India

Facebook free internet services

Facebook is expanding by making its presence, and that massive step was taken when Facebook announced its presence in the country by free access of internet services. User can benefit  in health, education, jobs and communication through Internet.org’s Freebasics app on the Reliance network.

Mark Zuckerberg with this huge step, enlightened by citing an example of a farmer named Ganesh and his wife Bharati in the state of Maharashtra who was suffering from bad farming methods and farming in an area plagued by droughts. Ganesh, was suffering and so his family, but once he installed Freebasics amplified a severe change in his life by using Accuweather which helped him work better through the monsoon season and Reuters market Light, which helped him understand commodity prices and in turn get a better deal for his crops.

Zuckerberg in his post said “By using Free Basics, Ganesh has doubled his crop yield, eradicated insect infestations and even invested in new crops and livestock.”

Mark highlighted that even though nearly 1 billion people are currently without internet access in India, now with Internet.org’s Free Basics available nationwide, many more people like Ganesh and Bharati will have access to the information and opportunity the internet brings.

facebook free internet india

After uploading the news, the timeline was garnered by 74k likes in minutes of its uploading and received mixed comments and gestures. Though the gestures was positive where Freebasics can help the farmers of India with new techniques and make their survival with ease.

On the other hand there were some who doubted on Mark Zuckerberg’s effort of making India confined with free internet service. “Do you have any idea how is the telecommunication network coverage and its conditions in India? Forget remote rural areas, the network is terrible even in major cities. People here are struggling hard to get even 1-2 bars of the network strength and here you are advertising Free Basics! If you’re so concerned about clarity by FreeBasics, make it available on all networks, and not just Reliance.”




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