#TheProteinWeek: 5 Reasons Why you Ought to Include Proteins in your Diet!

Food sources of Proteins
Food sources of Proteins

As the world celebrates ‘The Protein Week,’ here’s why you need to include these building blocks in your daily diet…

They said it right that proteins are the building blocks of life. Bet you didn’t know that all your body muscles, tissues, cells, organs, and hormones are made of proteins. Proteins are made of amino acids of 2 kinds: Essential AA and non-essential AA. Though our body manufactures some amino acids of its own, it still requires essential amino acids for the smooth functioning of our system.

Our daily diet supplies essential proteins to our body. Nevertheless, the excess of protein in our diet imposes a threat to health. Hence, you need to consume a balanced diet rich in all essential nutrients.

In case you’re wondering why you should consume proteins, here are eight benefits of proteins that you ought to know!

Infographics: Why are Proteins Beneficial for our Body!
Infographics: Why are Proteins Beneficial for our Body?
  1. Proteins are natural diet suppressants.

Ever wondered why do dieticians and fitness experts recommend a protein-rich diet to hardcore fitness freaks? It’s because protein takes a lot of time to digest. When you consume a protein-rich diet, your tummy feels full and you don’t feel hungry for a long time. They help you control occasional cravings and late-night snacking.

  1. Proteins Boost Metabolism.

The body utilizes a good amount of calories for burning proteins. Therefore, proteins can help you accomplish your weight loss goals faster. It takes up to 100 calories to digest one gram of protein.

  1. Proteins increase Muscle Mass

If you’re physically active, you ought to take a lot of proteins to prevent fragility of muscles. Proteins not only increases muscle strength but also build muscle mass. Therefore, bodybuilders and weight lifters rely on proteins to pump up their body.

  1. Proteins help Control Blood Pressure.

A group of researchers found that proteins can indirectly lower diastolic blood pressure by 1.15 mmHg and systolic blood pressure by 1.76 mmHg. They’re natural busters of hypertension.

  1. Proteins Repair Damaged Cells & Tissues.

As established earlier, most of our body is made of proteins. In simple words, proteins help repair the damaged cells and tissues in our body.

Here are some good sources of proteins.

  • Grass-fed beef
  • Bone broth
  • Organic chicken
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Black beans
  • Lentils
  • Soy beans
  • Goat cheese
  • Cottage cheese
  • Sprouts
  • Almonds
  • Yogurt


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