At Smart India Hackathon 2017, Experts will Address 6 Major Digital Problems

Smart India Hackathon 2017
Smart India Hackathon 2017

The entire nation looks forward to the world’s biggest hackathon today. PM Narendra Modi, a patron of Digital India Initiative is expected to address 10,000 students through a video conference at Smart India Hackathon 2017 at 10pm. Through this conference, the centre aims at promoting out-of-the-box ideas and innovation in younger generations, especially engineering students.

29 departments and ministries had identified 598 problems in the digital network which were addressed by 7,531 teams comprising of 42,000 young participants. Out of these, around 1,226 teams consisting of 10,000 participants were shortlisted for the finale. Through Smart India Hackathon 2017—an event that started at 8am today across 26 locations all over India, the experts will come up with solutions to these problems. The hackathon is expected to last for 36 hours.

Here are top 6 problems that will be addressed at the hackhathron.

  • Education
  1. Identifying Unlicensed/fake/on-paper Universities

Fake institutions, fake degrees and bona fide universities that run unapproved courses on correspondence, distance and online modes threaten the future of countless students in our country. Effective monitoring and quick action are required to control them.

  1. Detecting Fake Identifies of Candidates in the Examination hall

Over the years, the government boards have received several complaints regarding impersonation detection in online, state-level and competitive exams. At several occasions, human invigilators have failed to address this problem. Therefore, the government is planning to develop a full-proof automated system for removing the involvement of human invigilators.

  • Health and Safety
  1. Improving the quality of Midday meals in State government Schools

The outcomes of NFHS-4 revealed that severe acute malnutrition (SAM) affects 8.6% children below 5 years of age. The government made provisions to arrange mid-day meals for lakhs of students enrolled in the government schools. The idea was to enhance enrolment in the schools. However, the problem still persists in the country. Proper delivery of nutritious mid-day meal to real-time students is necessary. To resolve this issue, the government will design an affordable, time-savvy kit for students, without having to send the food samples for laboratory testing.

  1. Prevention of Dengue & Chikunguniya

With the arrival of monsoons, malaria, dengue and chikunguniya become a persistent problem in areas close to a water body. These fatal diseases are spread by different mosquito species. To prevent these diseases from threatening human lives, the government will invent effective dengue prevention strategies to create awareness. This includes dengue prevention games, distribution of repellents and nets etc.

  1. Quick Ambulance Service in case of Emergencies

A list of ambulance services will be created and loaded on a mobile app along with contact details and routes so that individuals in need can access the nearest ambulance service in need.

  • Transport Services
  1. Monitoring the Condition of Railway Tracks

Recently, we’ve witnessed a lot of rail accidents due to poor conditions of railway tracks. Repairing and maintaining these tracks is essential to ensure the safety of train operators. Software designed by the experts will keep tabs on the condition of tracks and associated infrastructure. It’ll send warning messages if the tracks need maintenance to prevent fatal rail accidents.

This has increased our anticipation regarding the hackathon. Smart India Hackathon will provide a platform for young innovators to showcase their talents and give them an opportunity to solve major challenges.



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