The Comeback of Mandarin Collar!

How to wear mandarin collar shirt

We see a new trend in the fashion world every other day. Mostly it’s a new trend that comes up in the fashion industry and changes everybody’s taste but it’s not always. Sometimes it is the old trend which has been revived. And one such trend that you could see now days in the fashion world is the Mandarin collar. It has made a very remarkable comeback in the industry. Earlier mandarin collars were used on western wear only like suits, coats etc. But mandarin collar in ethnic wear is the new trend that everybody could see around. It has become a new trend to wear sherwanis, ladies tops, men’s shirts with a mandarin collar. People love these very much.


But the problem that has been recently seen is that they are not easily available at every store and even they are available at few of them, they are very costly to buy. So if you are also among those who are facing such problems and yet want to wear a mandarin collar, then this is certainly for you. But before that you need to understand all about the mandarin collars. These collars stand straight along with your neck ranging from a height of 2 centimetres to 5 centimetres in a shirt or a jacket. These collars are not folded like the other regular collars. These collars come with straight edges but mandarin collar shirt fashion also comes with rounded edges. They were initially only used in the western wears like the women’s jackets, men’s shirts etc. But with the comeback of this trend the mandarin collars now are also being used in ethnic wear with a traditional touch with them.

Here are a few tips to stitch your own mandarin collar and enjoy wearing them around. Mandarin collars are also known as band collars. To stitch them first of all you need measure the neckline for the one you want to stitch the collar. This neckline length will be the length of your mandarin collar. Leave extra two inches for seam allowance. Mark this length on a piece of newspaper. Next you need to decide the height of your mandarin collar ranging from 2 centimetres to 5 centimetres according to your choice. Similarly as the length, mark the height of the mandarin collar on a piece of newspaper leaving another two inches for seam allowance. Now cut down both the newspaper patterns which you have drawn.


Now you need to place the fabric of your mandarin collar along with the newspaper and need to pin it to the fabric so that it does not move or create a problem. Now according to newspaper pattern, cut two mandarin collars and remove all the pins. Now set your fabric accordingly and sew the extra two inches which was left while cutting with seam allowance. Make sure that the length of mandarin collar in ethnic wear is equal from both sides. Now start from one end and sew the collar to the shirt. You are done.



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