Things You Should Not Do When You Are Angry

Things You Should Not Do When You Are Angry

Controlling anger has always been a tough task for almost every individual on this globe. On the other hand we often indulge our self in heated conversations. Such conversation not only forces us to a bad mood, but also compromises our ability to perform task efficiently, which is very harmful for any individual.

There is a famous saying of Albert Einstein “Anger Dwells in bosom of fools.”

But don’t worry we can help you in that category, but making you aware on what you not do when you are in anger or a heated conversation. Just have a look on the important points discussed below:

You shouldn’t sleep when you are angry

You shouldn't sleep when you are angry

Sleeping in angry mood may reinforce negative emotions, says a journal of Neuroscience, which discovered that sleep enhances memories, especially emotional ones. So going to bed angry or after a heated argument may cause that your experience gets more consolidated, so avoid sleeping when you are angry.

You shouldn’t be driving when you are angry

You shouldn't be driving when you are angry

A study shows that angry drivers are at a high risk of meeting accidents. Basically, anger gives person a tunnel vision – one generally stares straight ahead and can skip pedestrian or another vehicle coming into peripheral vision crossing the lane or road. As a reason it is not recommended to drive when one is in an angry state of mind.

You should stop arguing

You should stop arguing

The prolonged argument happened in angry mood, may force you utter such things which you would regret later, so better take a time out from the conversation, but keep the intension of coming back on it when your brain is at a rest. The time out actively calms one’s body and mind and you can express yourself in a mindful and intentional manner.

You should not drink alcohol

You should not drink alcohol

Going in for a glass of wine or alcohol to calm down yourself could be a bad choice, especially when you are angry. A simple reason being consuming alcohol may push you to act out your anger, because it removes impulse control. As a result it may lead to more permanent destruction, which you have to regret later.

You shouldn’t vent

You shouldn't vent

Getting anger off your chest sounds like a good thought, but it may actually make matters of poorer quality. In fact, people who simply spent five minutes reading another person’s online rants became angrier and less happy says a study published in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking.



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