Warning signs of increased blood sugar levels

With lifestyle diseases becoming rampant in India, the country is called the diabetes capital of the world. It’s not just the senior citizens, but also the youth that experience a spike in their blood sugar levels all of a sudden. High blood sugar levels occur when the glucose levels in your blood stream gets elevated. This happens when your body’s insulin levels drop and it doesn’t have sufficient insulin to process the glucose.

Diabetes occurs when your blood sugar levels are consistently higher than the normal range varying from 200 mg/dl to 350 mg/dl in adults and 200mg/dl to 240 mg/dl in children. If you wish to confirm the presence of high blood in sugar, you ought to look for the warning signs of diabetes.

10 Warning Signs of High Blood Sugar

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  • Constant Thirst: High blood sugar level ultimately puts more pressure on your kidneys, which makes us excrete more. Consequently we drink more water and feel thirsty.
  • Frequent Urination: After drinking plenty of water, a person urinates many times a day and even at night.
    Low Fatigue: Feeling lethargic is also an indicator of spiked sugar levels in blood.
  • Dryness of mouth: As body gets dehydrated due to frequent urination, it results in dry mouth and esophagus.
  • Poor Concentration: It gets hard for us to focus on our work.
  • Constant feeling of hunger: Since blood cells are glucose-starved, it makes diabetes patients feel hungry all the time.
  • Blurred vision: Impairment in vision leads to swelling of eye lenses.
  • Weight loss: If a person loses weight without any specific reason then there are chances he might be suffering from diabetes.
  • Stomach Problems: Disturbance in digestive tract is generally noticed in this case.
  • Numbness & Poor Immunity: Diabetes can make your hands and feet numb, which has an adverse affect on blood vessels, mainly arteries and also nerves. Slowing down of healing process (poor immunity) can directly affect your circulatory system.


Look out for the signs of diabetes to stay fit and healthy for long!



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