Whatsapp and Facebook usage is distorting your sleep regime, monitor your screen exposure

If you have come here, I know you are worried about your worsening state of sleep. Increased tensions and unending deadline pressures, higher exposure to screens on a daily basis, amongst many other factors thwart us from sleeping tightly. Today is the World Sleep Day. And we can’t agree more with this message sent by doctors delivered by the  NIMHANs.

A study was conducted by the Service for Healthy Use of Technology (SHUT) clinic at the National Institute of Mental Health and Neuroscience (NIMHANS), Bangalore in 2016.

As a part of this spectacular study, researchers found that the masses were largely hooked to Facebook and Whatsapp.

The research also informed that due to whatsapping and facebooking, people go to bed 1.6 hours later on average and wake up 1.5 hours later.

The Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine discovered that the average quality of sleep was above average.

The study also said that on an average, people check their phones for atleast 3-4 times. As a matter of fact, sleep disorders can contribute to conditions which lead to heart diseases and anxiety.

Another news, which I am going to break out is that reason for heart attacks amongst the youths is because of lack of sleep.

Manoj Kumar said, “One app which is most popular and keeps people awake, it is Whatsapp.” Another study suggested that, “This was followed by Facebook usage (32.6%).”

There were only a few apps which were used apart from Whatsapp and Facebook (65.7%). Gmail was recorded as an often used app by the participants involved (45.3%),” he says.

The research also demonstrated that over 60% of the participants used their mobile along with other devices such as desktops, laptops, and tablet at home as well.



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