Why We Should Eat Almonds More Often?

Almonds are the most favourites of mothers. Who can forget this most suggested wonder food for elevating your mental wits. Our childhoods were full of morning almond treats. Not only this wonder nut is full of taste but it also has some very fruitful nutrition.

Here we have 9 health benefits of eating almonds everyday:

  • Reduced Heart Risk Rates:

A regular intake of almonds for at least five times a week fights with even the most deadly heart risks.

  • They deal with bad cholesterol issues:

Blood cholesterol levels can be beast dealt with regular intake of almonds.

  • A protected artery walls from age time damage

The flavonoids in the skins of almonds work with vitamin E which works with the risks of heart diseases.

  • A set of strong teeth and stronger bones

Almonds are rich in phosphorus which adds to the health of teeth and bones.

  • A source of harmless fats and helps in weight loss:

Those who consume nuts on regular basis are more fit than those who don’t. This is because nuts have a healthy amount of fats which are never harmful for the body.

Also, those who consume nuts for two times in a week do not gain much weight and even have 31 percent less chances to get fatter.

Almonds are also a rich solution for lowering the rise of blood sugar and insulin.

  • Helps in an improved brain function

The presence of riboflavin and L-carnitine in almonds helps in boosting the brain functions. It helps in reducing the Alzheimer diseases.

  • A wonder food for nervous function

Almonds are also wondrous in nourishing the brain power and high level intellect.

  • Alkalization of body

The only nut which helps in alkaline forming are almonds. The enough alkalization in the body reduces the risks of poor immune system, less energy, fat body and the risks of osteoporosis.



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