Cancer Day: If You Focus On Prevention, You Will Thank Yourself

Because The Cure Is A Lot More Tormenting And Uncertain

Cancer is a bad fate and can hardly be escaped. Prevention is better than cure is probably most fitting statement to this stubborn and fatal disease. The treatment procedure is not only punitive but on equal terms is insanely expensive. Even after that, more than 7 million people succumb to this catastrophe. On contrary, prevention can act as more economical arsenal against Cancer, which is much more neglected than we think.

The 14 million of yearly cancer diagnoses have not lessen according to the data of World Health organisation. Sadly, this may rise till 21 million by the year 2030.

Christopher Wild, the director of IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) says, “The way things will evolve over, let’s say the next 20 years, are very dramatic; many countries (will have) probably twice as many cancers”.

The figures quoted by IARC depicts that countries with a set amount of resources and not with plethora of conveniences, apportions the major part of world’s total cancer cases.


While on one hand doctors and patients spend more than $100 billion on the cancer drugs every year, a prevention of the disease can save a whole lot of fortune.

Tobacco act as a major culprit here leaving billions of people fighting with the painful and punitive disease.

Other than this, obesity act as another key factor which may even outrun tobacco in coming years.

Too much of sun exposure is never healthy but to the great horrors, it can affect even greatly leaving you among chemotherapy sessions.

A clean hygiene ritual can save you from the deadly disease shackles.

Wild also noted an important point that, “One of the things we have to change is to stop thinking about cancer prevention only as an individual responsibility”.



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