8 House Hunting problems people face while shifting base to a New City

8 House Hunting problems people face while shifting base to a New City

Shifting to a new city is as enthralling as it sounds. New friends, new house, new job, new hobbies- it opens a vast horizon of possibilities. But when it comes to house hunting, it could be a tricky task. The struggle gets real when you try to picture a perfect home for yourself and end up stressed because you have no clue as to where to start from. No doubt you want a safe and comfortable space for living but you also want to be a kickass host for your friends who will look up to your house parties in future.

Making memories in a new city comes with its own set of problems and hassles. Figuring out the route with less traffic, bargaining for the groceries, looking for a cheap market to buy your daily items from are some of the struggles people face in the inital phase.

But struggle for house hunting can top them all. Here are some situation you might’ve come across on your house hunting escapades!

  1. To Buy or Rent- The most important question to ask yourself before hunting for a house is whether you want to spend your months paying EMI or entertaining the landlords in case you missed paying your rent.
  2. Property Rates- We know you want your place to be perfect. But we also know that you dont want to get fooled by greedy property dealers and annoying landlord. Since every city has different property rates, always do your research before seeking advice.
  3. Finalizing a Locality- Okay, so you want your house to be nearer to your workplace. But what about that society on the outskirts of the city where you have a huge park right outside your window and laundry service at your doorstep?
  4. Too many is too little- How to finalize your future house by looking at just 5-6 options. Accept it, you want many options in order to get all the more confused and ultimately questioning your ‘requirements’ list.
  5. Documenation- If house hunting was not a headache in itself, you have a truck load of documents to fill and submit. From legal papers and identity proofs to applying for a gas connection for your kitchen, you will feel lost in a pile of documents.
  6. Finding a Flatmate- To find a fuss-free flatmate to share a pint of beer with on a dull night is also a struggle for some people. After all, why not share the responsibiltiy of a house along with sharing your household expenses when you can.
  7. Buy. Eat. Repeat- Your day wont end well if you dont eat well. You wont eat well until you buy groceries well. Finding a house closer to a supermart or simply marking a date on your calender to buy all the groceries at once is also a task.
  8. Managing Expenses-  With a new city comes new expenses. You want to look good on your first day of job. You also want to treat your neighbours so that they can help you when in need. The commute fair, the bills, the STD calls will only double your expenses.


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