Alternative Mesothelioma Cancer treatments, a natural cure

lung cancer Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos, a group of minerals used in building wadding and other commercial applications. Long lasting revelation to and inhalation of asbestos fibers leads to the upsurge of scar tissue in the lungs, which are the major cause of Mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a very serious type of cancer. People generally believe that there is only one way of treatment when it comes to serious ailments like cancer i.e. western medicines and operations. The reality; though, is that, like any other sort of cancer, Mesothelioma can be cured naturally devoid of the use of drugs, surgery, chemotherapy or radiation i.e. with the use of alternative Mesothelioma treatments.

Alternative Treatments consist of several approaches considered non-conventional which could include herbs, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, peptides, and other natural non-toxic supplements. Alternative mesothelioma treatments help ease stress or reduce side effects or symptoms. Types of alternative treatments for mesothelioma include acupuncture, massage therapy, herbal products, and may other discussed below.

Popular alternative therapies include:

  • Chiropractic care- This aims at treating and preventing pain concerning the musculature system, which controls the body’s movement. For mesothelioma patients, chiropractic adjustments may reduce tension, headaches, and stress.

Chiropractic care

  • Yoga- It is a popular technique to diminish stress and amplify flexibility. Certain types of yoga could also comprise breathing techniques, visualization, and meditation.


  • Physical therapy –A physical therapist can build a treatment chart and guide you through exercises to boost your strength, flexibility, and endurance.

Physical Therapist Working with Patient

  • Acupuncture – it uses thin needles inserted at specific points on your body. When these pressure points are stimulated, according to the practice, the body’s balance and harmony is restored.


  • Breath and relaxation exercises gradually tensing and relaxing different muscle groups possibly will help you feel more at ease and breathe easier

 Some of the other important alternative mesothelioma treatments in modern medicine include Photodynamic Therapy (PT), Immunotherapy (IT) and Gene Therapy (GT):

  • Photodynamic therapy: This therapy in know to use a photosensitizing agent and light source to attack cancer cells.
  • Immunotherapy: aims to make your immune system identify antigens on cancer cells as foreign—which your immune system usually cannot do—and thus wipe out those cells.
  • Gene therapy: This method aims to cure or avoid various diseases by manipulating a patient’s genes

Alternative treatments harass the mesothelioma cancer rather assertively, with little or no side effects.
Homeopathy is also used as an alternative system. An example of homeopathic treatment in mesothelioma is the use of Iscador from mistletoe. Iscador is a herbal medicine used to enhance the body’s immune system. Definite diet therapy, aromatherapy, wealthy with vitamins and minerals, mind-body techniques, chiropractic care and metabolic therapy are other types of alternative mesothelioma treatment.

In traditional cancer treatment, the more powerful the therapy, the more highly it is regarded. Alternative mesothelioma treatments do not have any harmful side effects and it is a fine option to mingle conventional treatment with an alternative treatment to help battle mesothelioma.



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