During the hearing in the Supreme Court on the Adani-Hindenburg case on Monday, February 13, the Central Government has told the apex court that it has no objection to the formation of a committee in the Adani Hindenburg case. Solicitor General Tushar Mehta said that the government is ready on the proposal to set up an expert committee to strengthen the regulatory mechanism.
The Supreme Court has asked the central government to submit a report by Thursday regarding the members of the committee formed to safeguard the interests of investors. However, Tushar Mehta said that he will give the report related to the members of this committee to the top court in a sealed cover. The Supreme Court has also allowed the Center to submit its suggestions in a sealed cover to the members of the committee.
Let us tell you that a hearing was held in the Supreme Court on 10 February in the Adani Hindenburg case. Then the Chief Justice had said that not only rich people invest money in the stock market, middle class people also invest money. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the interests of the investors.