Losing hair? Here are 6 Reasons Behind Your Loss!

hair fall in men feature

They say invest in your hair, it is the crown you never take off. And anyway life is too short to have boring hair. Hair is one such part of your body and personality that impacts your impression on anyone. Hair if not done well, the entire dressing is of no use. Hair has the power to make and break your personality. Gorgeous hair is the best revenge. But there are many who often complain that due to some changes in their lifestyle, they are losing them. Well, there can various reason behind continuous hair fall. Premature balding is becoming more common among men than you could imagine.

So today, here we tell you some reasons why you are losing your hair:

  • Trichotillomania is a habit where a person irresistibly puck or pull hair from head or any other part of the body. If you have a habit of running your hands over your head time and over again, dude you need to stop doing that immediately.
  • If you beat or rub your wet hair so that they would easily dry up, you will end up damaging your hair. Also, do not brush forcefully instead you can use your fingers and hands to set your smaller hair.

hair fall due to comb

  • Do not tie your hair tightly. Tight buns can lead to excessive stretching of hair and can ultimately end up loosening the roots.
  • Stressed? Please don’t. Stress has a harmful affect on the growth of your hair. Also any other kind of trauma, accident, disease, illness, injuries, slow recovery etc can lead to hair loss.
  • Improper medication. There are several types of regular medicines that we usually take for illness, flu etc which we do not know are harming the growth of our hair, but they do. These include anti-thyroid medications, hormonal therapies, anti-convulsants (for epilepsy), beta-blockers, and many others.

hair fall medicines

  • Sudden weight loss due to illness, excessive workout or any such situation is also a reason why probably you are losing on your hair density. Sudden weight loss causes deficiency of various vital minerals and vitamins which further leads to shedding of hair.
  • Over use of hair styling products like gel, shinning spray, bleaches, colours etc can lead to hair loss. Hair styling is no doubt important but you must try to avoid these artificial beauty/hair products. They might fix your hair for awhile, but eventually are degrading the quality of your hair and are also the reason behind hair loss.

Keep Calm And Get You Hair Done.



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