India’s External Affairs Minister, S Jaishankar, recently addressed the ongoing diplomatic discord with the Maldives, acknowledging that it cannot be assured that every country will consistently support or align with India’s stance. During a townhall meeting in Nagpur, Jaishankar emphasized the dynamic nature of politics, stating, “Politics is politics. I cannot guarantee that in every country, every day, everybody will support us or agree with us.”
He highlighted India’s successful efforts over the past decade to establish robust global connections, emphasizing the importance of fostering positive sentiments among people despite occasional fluctuations in political relations. Jaishankar stressed that while political dynamics may fluctuate, the general sentiment among the people of other nations toward India remains positive.
The minister underscored India’s active involvement in infrastructure development in various countries, including initiatives such as building roads, electricity transmission, fuel supply, trade access, investments, and promoting tourism. According to Jaishankar, these efforts contribute to the development of strong bilateral relationships.
Acknowledging that challenges may arise, Jaishankar noted the importance of engaging in dialogue and reasoning with other nations to address issues and restore relationships to their desired state.
The diplomatic tensions between India and the Maldives emerged following derogatory remarks made by three Maldivian leaders against Prime Minister Narendra Modi regarding his recent visit to Lakshadweep. India expressed strong condemnation, summoning the Maldivian envoy to register a protest.
The incident led to an online campaign calling for a boycott of the Maldives as a tourist destination, with Indian film industry figures endorsing the promotion of beach tourism in Lakshadweep and other domestic locations. In response, the Maldivian government distanced itself from the offensive remarks and suspended the three junior ministers involved.