Take care and feel better while being sick

how to feel better when you re sick fast

Rainy season is the most awaited season in our country as this season is loved by all. Being an agricultural based country, rains are the source of fresh water for us, which is used for farming and irrigation purposes in most of the regions in the country but also, this season brings numerous sorts of viruses and bacteria with it which makes us sick. Often, we are smacked in the middle of a cough, cold and various other infections in this season. We are randomly surrounded by the sounds of blowing noses and coughing throats, may it be your workplace or any other public place. Kids tend to be much more vulnerable to such infections and hence it becomes very much crucial for us to take care of our near and dear ones from catching any sort of such infection.

Once we get sick, we’re all told a bunch of ridiculous remedies that are sworn to make us better immediately, but they won’t. If not a complete cure, then some of the below-mentioned remedies will surely provide some relief and comfort to the patient:-

  1. Water– Drink lots and lots of water sip by sip, while you are sick so that you could stay hydrated all the time and could help your immune system to fight the germs of infection. It would also help in losing mucus and replace fluids which you tend to lose because of continuous blowing of the nose.
  2. Soups and beverages– drinking warm soups and beverages will surely provide you instant comfort and relief. You could drink honey added tea to soothe your sore throat and also acts as a cough suppressant.
  3. Nasal congestion– In case you have a nasal congestion, blows your nose gently onto a clean tissue by holding one nostril closed and blowing the other gently. Wash your hands gently, and use saline nasal drops if the problem persists.
  4. Visit a doctor– Pay close attention to your symptoms and if you find that the duration of you illness lasts longer than 10 days, visit a doctor and seek medical advice.


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