We wish you knew these things about migraines and people suffering it


Migraine is a headache of varying intensity, often accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light and sound. People generally underestimate the term ‘migraine’ and assume it to be normal headache. But the harsh reality is that it is much more to what you think. Migraine is a serious form of headache that as mentioned above is generally caused due to sensitivity to light, loud music, dust, sun etc. People, who suffer from migraine, be it of any stage, go through a pain that no one can understand, and the worst part is that people usually say things that we migraine people do not want to hear, like “take a med and you’ll be fine”, “it’s just a headache”, “stop being so sensitive” etc.

So today, on behalf of everyone who suffers from migraine and such ‘insensitive comments’, I present before everyone out there, some very important things about we migraines that we wish you people knew.

Here are 10 things people with migraine wish you knew:

1. It’s not just a headache: People need to understand that if it was just a headache, we would have called it a headache and not migraine. Migraine pain is more severe and can be on either or both side of the head.  “I’m actually happy when I get ‘just a headache,’” says Priya Mathur, who has been dealing with migraines for 13 years.

2. They can be truly disabling: According to the study published in The Journal of Headache and Pain, in 2003, says that migraines are the seventh most disabling diseases in the world. It can be risky and thus doctors always measure how much migraine has affected a person’s life.

3. Migraine lasts longer than a headache: Normal headaches comparatively get cured than migraines. A migraine depending on the treatment measures being taken, can last from 4 hours to 72 hours or longer.

Migrane problem in women

4. There are types of migraine: Basically there are two major types: migraine with aura and migraine without aura. An aura is a visual or other neurological disturbance that occurs within an hour of an attack. Other types of migraine includechronic or menstrual migraines

5. Lifestyle factors can trigger migraine: “While it’s difficult to avoid all migraine triggers, it’s important for people to try to keep their schedules as consistent as possible,” says Dr. Minen. She continues that changes like wake-sleep patterns, loud music, bright lights, and change in weather, skipping meals, barometric pressure, fasting and even strong smells can cause migraine.

6. Foods too can trigger migraine: Unfortunately, but certain food types can also trigger migraine but it is not true for everyone. Also, identifying what foods can trigger your migraine can be very difficult and thus doctors suggest migraine people to maintain a dairy where they can hold a record of everything.

7. You can go all ‘right’ and yet can face a migraine: “Although I and my doctors have done a better job of trying to prevent my migraines, you never know when a migraine could come on,” says Stephanie Petrello, who has been has had chronic migraines for 10 years.Though preventive measures can help to reduce the frequency of attacks.

Migrane Problems in Man

8. Migraine can also attack when having physiological issues: “Oftentimes, patients of migraines can be concerned that they’re going to get a migraine attack,” says Dr. Minen. “And this can cause anxietybecause patients are so aware of how disabling it can be. Another common problem is depression,” she says.

9. People with migraine can look perfectly healthy: Migraines are highly disruptive, affecting people mentally and physically, as well as socially and professionally. There is a particular stigma that is attached to migraine but is invisible to other. People can assume that the person looks all healthy but actually is not. “A lot of the public doesn’t understand that migraine is a debilitating condition, it’s not just a headache,” says Dr. Minen.

10. They can affect your daily little jobs: Migraine pain can make it very difficult for the patient to act usual and are really exhausting, especially mentally. It is hard to focus and concentrate on something when facing migraine. They can affect the ability to work and even simple tasks can seem impossible to do.

So next time you come across a person at your work place, home or among friends who is facing migraine, think twice before saying things to them and rather help them reach a quiet, safe and if possible less lighted (dark) place.



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