6 Things Indians should definitely learn from French

I know that any of the Indian would not like to hear it, but… we’re not perfect and there many things to learn before we even call ourselves close to perfect. No, No, I don’t have any doubt about our beautiful country. I believe that our country is incredible and wonderful and I am proud to be an Indian, but there are plenty of things that we should learn and use a little help on.

“Don’t judge the book by its cover”

This idiom is very true in every context as until and unless you yourself experience something, it becomes hard to explain it. And for instance, this idiom fixes well on France. This mesmerizing country, its architecture and beautiful people will make you fall in love with this country. The people of France have an adorable sense of fashion but still led a simple life. There are things you should definitely learn from the French:

1. Politeness:


It might sound strange to you but French people are the most polite people in the world. They don’t indulge into mid-street fights like us Indians.

2. Respecting and enjoying every meal:


We may eat our lunch at our office desk and dinner in our rooms but French never do such stuff. They particularly know the difference between having a meal and enjoying a meal.

3. Stop faking it:


Fake eyelashes and kilos of makeup are of no use. These fancy beauty products don’t let people know who you actually are. So, take a cue from the beautiful ladies of France and allow people notice your true beauty.

4. Well-dressed, as per the occasion:


Even if you have world’s best clothes, but don’t know how to carry them off, there is no use of them. Knowing about what to wear and when to wear is something we all should learn from French.

5. Being Honest and Frank:


Some have a misconception that French people are egoistic and rude but that’s not true at all. The thing is that they are true to their heart and don’t sugarcoat their words. Learn honesty as it is always appreciated by all.

6. Follow your passions:


The whole “You are grown-up” thing and run in the “rat-race” is not followed by French. We plan our careers which are safe and which our parents approve of, or at times even acceptable by the society. French treat each day as their last day and live it to the fullest.



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