For Rice Lovers: Brown Rice Can Help You Touch Your Weight Loss Goals

Per half cup serving of it can give you healthy dose of needed calories, proteins and fibres. It’s time that you add brown rice in your regular fitness diet. The characteristics of brown rice makes it worth adding in your diet. The research have pointed the incredible benefits of brown rice which makes it easy for your to pursue your weight loss goals. They have even bragged that, consumption of brown rice instead of white rice gives you benefit of 30 minutes of walk.

Here, the prominent ingredient is fibre which is adding to your weight loss conspiracy as more fibre intake in your diet can cut down 100 calories every day. Tufts University of Massachusetts conducted the observation on this by feeding equal diets in proportion and quality to two groups keeping a difference in the rice. One of the group consumes white rice, refined white flour and other consumed brown rice and whole wheat.

Of course. the results were inclined positively towards brown rice and whole grains but what made it do so difference in their metabolism. An improved metabolism is something you get out of consuming brown rice and whole grains.

In the long run, you also may benefited with better immune system. It boosts up extra production of T-cells.

After keeping two groups on similar diets with one difference, their weight, blood glucose, hunger and fullness was measured.

There were equal levels of appetite and fullness in both the groups, but still there was better picture of decrease in calories. A cut in 100 calories per day, which means in a week, they lost 700 calories.

To this, Dr. Susan Roberts expressed that, “We provided all food to ensure that the composition of the diets differed only in grain source”.

“The extra calories lost by those who ate whole grains was equivalent of a brisk 30 minutes walk ? or enjoying an extra small cookie every day in terms of its impact”.



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