Start Including these top 5 essential minerals in your diet ASAP!

top 5 essential minerals

Health requires healthy food. They say every time you eat, it’s an opportunity to nourish your body. For a healthy body and mind, you don’t necessarily have to eat less; you just have to eat right. It’s not how much you it, but what you it that matters. A healthy outside starts from a healthy inside. One way to stay healthy is to eat absolutely healthy. Now what does healthy food means? The foods that contain vitamins and minerals are the healthiest ones. Talking about minerals, they are very important for our body. They provide us energy, boosts our immune system and gives us enough strength to fight against viruses and protects from several diseases. Minerals are must.

Today, we have listed out some very important minerals that you must start including in your diets as soon as possible. Here they are:

Calcium: Calcium is necessary for strengthening the bones. They are also essential for the better functioning of heart, nerves and muscles. Also, it helps fight cancer, high blood pressure and diabetes when combined with vitamin D. Foods that are rich in calcium include: milk, spinach, yogurt, cheese, corn flakes, chickpeas, soybeans, etc.

calcium rich food

Potassium: It helps our body to fight against kidney disorders, strokes, heart disorders, anxiety and stress and regulated blood pressure. Also, it is necessary for enhancement of metabolism, nervous system, muscle strength and water system. Foods that are rich in potassium are: potatoes, oranges, tomatoes, nuts, broccoli, beans, red meat, apricots, bananas etc.

Products containing potassium

Iron: Iron is one of the most important mineral that our body requires. It helps in the production of red blood cells and haemoglobin. Deficiency of iron in our body can lead to various health problems like cough, chronic anemia, pre-dialysis anemia etc. Foods that are rich in iron are: raisins, chickpeas, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, lentlils etc.

iron rich food

Zinc: It helps our body to fight against daily health problems like cold and several infections. It boosts and immunity and its deficiency can lead to slow wound recovery and acute diarrhea in children. Foods that are rich in zinc are: Cashews, beans, chickpeas, almonds, yogurt, green peas, oatmeal, chicken breast etc.

Zinc rich food

Magnesium: It is the fourth most abundant mineral in our bodies and is one of the most important alkaline mineral. 66% of our magnesium is found in our bones. Deficiency of magnesium leads to weakness and fatigue, muscle cramps, stress, dizziness etc. Foods that are rich in magnesium are: Flaxseeds, whole grains, cashews, dark chocolate, almonds, avocado, bananas etc.

Magnesium rich food

You are what you eat, so don’t be cheap, fast, junk or easy. The choice is all yours.



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