Telling signs that you aren’t drinking enough water!

what if i am not drinking enough water

We, human beings can survive long without food but certainly not without water. Water is the most essential element for our body as a human body is 75% water. You need to drink a lot water to make sure you stay fit especially during the summers. The scorching sun and high temperature can lower the water level in your body leading to dehydration which is a condition that occurs when the loss of water in human body exceeds the amount that is taken in.

We should drink at least 3 litres of water daily and even after knowing the facts and the side effects of not drinking enough water, many of us do not intake the appropriate amount of water on a daily basis. By depriving ourselves from not drinking enough water, we are eventually damaging our own body. Are you confused how to recognise whether or not you are drinking enough water? And this is why today we are here to tell you some major telling signs which would tell you that you aren’t drinking enough water. If you are feeling any of the following you must start drinking water ASAP:

  • Your Skin and eyes are Dry

  • You’re Overly Thirsty

  • You Often Experience Joint Pain

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  • You Feel Fatigued and Lethargic

  • Dizziness or vertigo

  • Reductions in Muscle Mass

So if you feel you are experiencing any of the above, pour yourself a glass of water immediately, or else…




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