These 6 asanas will help to keep your blood sugar under control


You can’t go a mile without running into a yoga studio. It seems like a trendy new thing to buy a yoga mat and yoga pants and try doing some yoga for long hours at a studio or centres like that. But today we aren’t talking about that. Today we are going to tell you how that even few minutes of yoga a week will make you more mentally alert, happier and healthier. There are plenty of studies that demonstrate that yoga is important for health. For example, Oxford University have found that people who practice yoga even once a week, were less stressed out, have lower blood pressure, and slept better at night. And yoga is not just good for your mental health, according to the National Institute of Health; it’s proven to help with muscular issue specially lower back pain and can even help relief asthma. So why don’t more people try yoga? Probably because some believe it’s too difficult. But what you might not know is that there are tons of types of yoga and is helpful in curing almost every disease that you can think of right now. It can cure disease like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and even cancer.

Now you might be thinking when there are so many types of yoga, and you have never done any because you were always afraid where to begin from, and you thought they are pretty difficult to even try, so what to do now? Exactly this is why we are here. We are going to tell you that it is not as difficult as you think and rather can be very easy. Also, as we were talking about disease, the most common that we usually hear is the blood pressure issue. When our blood cells do not respond to insulin produced in the body, diabetes sets in. The worst part is, while you can’t really feel the pain instantly but this life-long disease damages the organs gradually.  So today, we are here, to tell you some very easy aasans that would help you to keep your blood sugar under control.







Oh we forgot to tell you, Yoga is also helpful in flexibility, muscle strength, improved respiration, energy and vitality, maintaining a balanced metabolism, weight reduction, cardio and circulatory health, improved athletic performance, protection from injury.



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