Things a MAN must do before turning 30!

things to do before you turn 30

We all a long bucket list that we wish to fulfil before it’s too late. Your bucket list might include the places you wish to visit, to luxury things you want to buy, the car you always wanted to buy or maybe meting your favorite star or watching an award night live, right? Today we list out here some things a man must do before he turns 30 as these are the things which will make him a strong and responsible man to face any circumstance of life ahead.


For a few months you must try to live alone. This will teach you several life lessons that you will need when there’s no one around. Living alone would help you learn how to do the household chores like managing your clothes, preparing your own food, taking care of your own house to do before 30 years old


No matter what is your biggest fear, you need to conquer it ASAP. Everyone has a fear of something or the other be it water, height, dark, speed etc but the brave is the one who overcomes fear like a champ!
coquer-your-fear-things to do before 30


It’s ok to fail sometimes after all failure inspires winning. Failure makes you sturdy and tough. Failure is the stepping stone to victory. You must experience all the faces of life and failure is one of them. And always believe in yourself.
Young business man with problems and stress in the office


A trip all your own will not just give you an opportunity to discover places but also a golden chance to discover yourself. You will be alone all the time at a new place and among the new people, in such situations you will be able to realize yourself and your desires and aspirations.
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Love is the most beautiful feeling in the world but only when it’s both sided and with the right person. A heartbreak will not only make you wise enough to choose the people in your life but also but will also give you immense courage to face any heart breaking situation further in life.
heartbreak-things to do before 30 years old


By doing do, you will become mature enough to realize that life goes on despite of anything. Because you know to win something, you’ll always have to lose on something. You may quit anything be it smoking, eating junk, alcohol etc.
quit-something-things to do before 30 years old

You’re feeling like a better person already. Aren’t you?

Yes! Be a MAN!



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