How will Modi Government Rescue Victims from the Vicious Claws of Zika Virus

Zika is a harmful virus strain carried by Aedes mosquito.
Zika is a harmful virus strain carried by Aedes mosquito.

After wrecking havoc in entire South America including Brazil, Mexico and some parts of Africa, the notorious Zika virus has finally arrived in India. After three fresh cases of Zika virus were spotted in Ahmedabad, the Indian government immediately intimated WHO (World Health Organization) of this tragedy. This Friday, the WHO included India on its ‘list of countries vulnerable to Zika virus attacks’. Despite virus imposing serious threats to human life, both centre and the state governments failed to generate awareness regarding Zika virus cases.

Informing local authorities, observing precautions and generating awareness on health threats caused by mosquitoes are a few factors that can effectively check the Zika disease from spreading to other regions. Nevertheless, the dull response of government in this case put a question on their ability to contain this contagion.

What is Zika & why You Should be Afraid of it?

Zika is a harmful virus strain carried by Aedes mosquito that causes symptoms like uveitis (eye disorder), itchy or red eyes and temporary to permanent loss of vision in its mild form. Expecting mothers carrying virus in blood can pass on the symptoms including brain damage, microcephaly (small head) to infants. The extreme Zika virus symptoms include Alzheimer-like effect on brain and death.

Common Symptoms of Zika Virus attacks.
Common Symptoms of Zika Virus attacks.

Zika Virus Facts Unveiled

Did you know that—

  • More than 2 billion people are vulnerable to Zika attacks all over the world?
  • Compared to eBola that had a contagion (infection causing) rate of 1.5 to 2, Zika is the most infectious virus of the world?
  • On an average, a single carrier/victim of Zika can spread this disease to 4 people?
  • Aedes mosquitoes carrying Zika were spotted in Florida?
  • Zika-linked paralysis was reported in Puerto Rico?
  • Brazil was prey to Zika outbreak in 2015?
  • Zika affected 1.5 million people in Brazil Alone?
  • Zika can be sexually transmitted like most STDs?

Knowing these facts, one can’t but get scared of this menace.

What should the Government do to Control Zika in India?

Education is the first and foremost solution to this problem. The authorities must generate awareness regarding this fatal disease through ads, flyers, public announcements and hospitals.

Considering the hot and humid temperature of India, the population is quite vulnerable to diseases caused by mosquitoes and other insects. Malaria, dengue, swine flu and chikungunya are just a few examples. While we can’t control the climate, but we can certainly adopt measures to control their numbers in densely populated states.

Safe sewage water disposal, corking open drains and quick waste water treatment are a few ways by which we can discourage mosquitoes from spreading in huge numbers. South Carolina went two steps further to spray pesticides from airplanes several times a week to kill a significant chunk of Zika mosquitoes in densely populated regions.

It’s not just the government that is responsible for discouraging Zika attacks, but the public too, must adopt proper measures to control Zika viruses. Wearing light, full-sleeved clothes, keeping our surroundings clean, spreading insecticides on standing water sources, putting up nets on doors and windows are some examples of controlling Zika cases.

Advanced research and expert consultation is the need of the hour. India must collaborate with other countries to exchange health tips in order to control Zika viruses.



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