The real difference between a TRUE and a PSEUDO cricket fan

die hard cricket fans

There is no doubt that cricket is treated as a religion in India. Indians are big time fans of the sport of cricket be it a IPL match, a test match, an ODI or a T-20 match. And why not? Cricket is one such game where the table can turn around at any ball and that is what makes it one of the most interesting and fun sports.

But not all like cricket. Some are merely fans because of the peer pressure of the society (you know what we mean). There are basically two types of cricket fans, REAL fans and PSEUDO fans. Though a real jabra cricket fan can easily identify the pseudo fan from the lot no matter how much they try to behave as the real ones. And it’s not difficult to identify. Here are a few traits of a real and a pseudo fan that you must know so as whenever you find another pseudo fan you can knock him down.

  1. A true fan just cannot get over the loss of his/her favourite team whereas the pseudo fan would just don’t care.
  2. A real fan would watch the cricket matches without posting the updates on social media unlike the pseudo fan who updates scores just to show that he’s interested too (but actually he’s not).
  3. A true cricket fan remembers all the statistics but never brags about it whereas the pseudo fan never misses a chance to use the stats as fodder for the conversation.
  4. Unlike a pseudo fan who only remembers the controversies about a player, a true fan will remember the achievements of a good player.
  5. A true fan knows the importance a single and doubles carry in an innings whereas a pseudo fan would just want the players to hit fours and sixes.
  6. And the most important. A true cricket fan would watch all world cup matches irrespective of the teams, whereas a pseudo fan would just watch India-Pakistan match just because its India v Pakistan.


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